Perl Excel to create a test plan with perl — specially very

2010-07-16 269 words 2 mins read

Today I came across a very interesting problem. I had to write a Test Case document that had quite a huge number of test cases. The interesting part was that the Procedure and the result remained same but the name of the frame and the fields were chaning. I felt that copy/paste and modification would be a complete waste of time, so wrote this perl script quickly. Does what is expected.




# USAGE: ./

# DESCRIPTION: Create excel TC Document using perl.



# BUGS: —

# NOTES: —

# AUTHOR: Amit Agarwal(


# VERSION: 1.0

# CREATED: 09/14/2009 06:58:42 PM



use strict;

use warnings;

use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

my $procedure;

my $result;

my $frame;

my $field;

my $line;

my $row = 1;

my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new(”amit_agarwal.xls”);

my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(”GUI_TC”);

# To use blod style, you can use the below format.

# my $bold = $workbook->add_format();

# $bold->set_bold();

# $worksheet->write(5, 0, ”amitag”, $bold);

# We will assume that file ”amit” exists in current directory

# and contains two fields per line. First field is frame name

# and second is the name of the field to check.

open(FILE,&#8221;<amit&#8221;)|| die &#8221;Cannot open file amit for input&#8221;;

for $line ()


my $col = 0;

chomp ($line);


$procedure = &#8221;Objective: Verify the frame $frame\n&#8221;;

$procedure .= &#8221;Procedure:\n&#8221;;

$procedure .= &#8221;1. Go to frame $frame\n&#8221;;

$result = &#8221;1. Verify that the frame ($frame)is displayed correctly.\n&#8221;;

$result .= &#8221;2. Verify that $field is displayed in $frame&#8221;;

$worksheet->write($row++,$col,&#8221;Verify the frame $frame&#8221;);




close (FILE);




Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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