Script to get yourself some conkyrc files

2011-10-08 105 words 1 min read

Continuing from where we left, here is a script that can do all this for you 🙂

curl\&page=$i | sed -n '/\\/pr/ p'| sed '// d'| sed 's##\n-----------------------------------\n\n\n#' >conkyrc
	dos2unix conkyrc
	cp conkyrc .test
	while [ $(wc -l .test|sed 's/[^0-9]//g') != 0 ]
		sed -n '1,/------------------------/ p' .test|sed '$d' >conkyrc.$count
		diff .test conkyrc.$count |sed 's/^<.//'|sed '1, /---------------------/ d;2d'>.test

This will create couple of conkyrc.files in the current directory. Each of these is one from the web-page that I mentioned earlier. So, enjoy….

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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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