bash debug – log all executed commands

2014-02-03 156 words 1 min read

Screenshot of a Bash 3.1 session demonstrating...
Screenshot of a Bash 3.1 session demonstrating its particularities. Shows exporting a variable, alias, type, Bash’s kill, environment variables PS1, BASH_VERSION and SHELLOPTS, redirecting standard output and standard error and history expansion. A POSIX session is launched from a normal session. Finally, the POSIX session kills itself (since just “exit” would be too boring). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there
was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know
there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, but sometimes that
seems to be too much information and I dont really need all that. So, here
is something I found recently for bash to log all the executed commands.


This will echo/print all the commands on the stdout.


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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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