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when you press f9 ‘paste’ is on , press f9 again and ‘paste’ is off, and so forth (works in insert-mode and command-mode)


<a class="zem_slink" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" href="">vim&#8217;s pastetoggle: when you press f9 …

Adding a sub-menu in the wordpress admin menu :)


For the impatient ones, first the code: (in wp-admin folder, open the file menu.php) and locate the code: […] $submenu[&#8217;edit.php&#8217;][10] = array( _x(&#8217;Add …

importing outlook pst files in evolution in Fedora 13 ( Goddard)


If you were using outlook and moved to some other <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/e-mail_client" title="Email client" rel="wikipedia" …

How To Install Ailurus 10.05 On Fedora | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


For those of you who don&#8217;t know about ailurus: […] Ailurus is cross-<a class="zem_slink" title="Linux distribution" rel="wikipedia" …

Linux command to repeat a string n times - Super User


I was working on something and needed to output the string n times. I have required this even to print a line with &#8217;-&#8217; or &#8217;=&#8217; but this time I badly wanted it in …

Unixmen - Tips to reduce memory usage on Firefox


A nice aritcle on reducing the memory usage of firefox on <a class="zem_slink" title="Linux" rel="wikipedia" …

Verify all the paths in the PATH directory


Here is the command to test that all the directories in your path actually exist. […] (<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/internal_field_separator" title="Internal field …

colors in bash – script to display all the possible colors.


If you wanted to have colors in the bash output (including the colors in PS1-4), don&#8217;t you keep wondering how the color code would look on the terminal. So, I wrote this small script to show …

PuTTY alternatives -


Sometimes after hours of searching you find a link so good that it needs no introductions and neither any writeup. I found one such page today : <a …

let a cow tell you your fortune


let a cow tell you your fortune […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> $ fortune | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/cowsay" title="Cowsay" …

Logwatch for Linux Systems.


On my personal <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/client" title="Client (computing)" rel="wikipedia" …

Checking the links to your site (from affiliates) using cron and bash script.


If you have some affiliate links and are concerned about their presence then you can setup <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f80000000045c9c5b" title="Cron" …

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