My HomeGrown Free web address with unlimited space for no charge.

2008-11-23 163 words 1 min read

I have a broadband connection and have been trying to do this for a while. I wanted to setup a URL that could link to my system at my home at ”no extra cost”. To start with this is for fun and finally for profit. As you know, buying a space on the web now a days is costly and I believe saving money is earning money and thus did the setup so that I have a URL that can go directly to my system behind the ADSL router.

Check this out:
<a href="" target="_blank">

This is link for phpMan on my system so might not be available at all times, but will try to keep it up and running all the time. I have fixed most of the issues with my system wrt hardware and have been running it for 4 days without re-start before trying this. So do comment if you like it. Will soon write on how I did this.

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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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