bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes

2010-04-11 0 words 0 mins read

Image via Wikipedia

Here’s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂

You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and then use it in alias to start <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/vim" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" href="">vim.

#!/bin/bash –

#          FILE:

#         USAGE:  ./

#   DESCRIPTION: Change the vim colorscheme from <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/cmd_exe" title="Command Prompt" rel="wikipedia" href="">command prompt

#       OPTIONS:  —
#          BUGS:  —
#         NOTES:  —
#        AUTHOR:  Amit Agarwal (AKA),
#       COMPANY:  Individual
#       VERSION:  1.0
#       CREATED:  02/02/2010 10:30:07 PM IST
#      REVISION:  —

#Change the directory to where we will find all colors and then print them 🙂
cd ~/.vim/colors
for i in *.vim
echo &#8221;${i%.vim}&#8221;
#Read the choice of the user

read -p &#8221;Enter one of the colorschemes :: &#8221; choice
if [ ! -f $file ]
echo &#8221;Colorscheme file &#8221;$file&#8221; does not exist&#8221;
exit -1

#Do the susbstitution in new file in /tmp
sed &#8217;s#\(^ *colorscheme\).*#\1 &#8217;$choice&#8217;#&#8217; ~/.vimrc > /tmp/vimrc
diff ~/.vimrc /tmp/vimrc
read -p &#8221;Do you want to make the changes (y/n) :: &#8221; yn
if [ $yn = &#8221;y&#8221; ]
echo {/tmp/,~/.}vimrc
cp {/tmp/,~/.}vimrc
echo &#8221;Modified changes are available in /tmp/vimrc&#8221;
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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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