Transfer all the google feed URLs to rss2email.

2010-05-09 160 words 1 min read

Next step in restoring my settings was to get the working rules and all the blogs into rss2email. I have subscribed to more than 150 blogs. So, adding all of them manually was difficult.

For a time like this, I subscribe to all the blogs using google reader and then add them to rss2email. So I had quickly exported the google feeds list and then had to find a way to extract the URLs for the blog to the rss2email. The command to add a url is r2e add, so I wrote this one line just now to do the task for me.

Hope it helps someone:

for i in $(cat google-reader-subscriptions.xml |grep xmlUrl|sed -e ’s@.*xmlUrl=”\(.*\) .*@\1@’|sed -e ’s/”//’); do r2e add $i; done

Now all I needed to do was to setup procmail again to deliver the messages to my homedir. I already have posted article on procmailrc so that was simple. So all done. Hope this helps someone.


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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