My new Maemo 5 Nokia N900 Mobile.
228 words
2 mins read
I have been thinking of buying the “N900” Nokia mobile for quite sometime but for certain reasons could not get my hands on this mobile so far. Finally couple of days back, I got my hands on this beautiful and powerful piece of software and hardware.
Well, here are some snaps for ya ll:
BTW before we go to the snaps, there are some things that you will not see in the pics here but makes the first and the best impressions and they are Browsing, Email, Connectivity, Screen Resolution, Size of the icons (big enough to do most of the tasks with bare hands) et al. Not to mention the great integration of the skype and GTalk contacts into the usual contacts and calling them like other GSM calls.
First the carry case:

Next the mobile in my hands 🙂

And the X-terminal running bash:

Complete Debian running in chroot environment on the mobile:

conky running on this:

mplayer and finally Ovi maps running on the phone:

Related articles
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- Nokia drops Ovi brand, replaces it with Nokia (
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.