N900 starts showing junk characters
Well, sometime back I bought N900, some snaps here. And sooner than later I started playing with it. In an effort to reduce the disk usage for the “/” (root) partition, I removed some packages that were taking too much of space and managed to get the mobile to a stage where a lot of applications started displaying strange and junk characters and also cannot use package manager any more…errors reported.
To fix, this there was not solution that I could find on the net and thus started searching for a solution on my own. Finally found that that locales package was missing so what you need to do is following, in case you manage to get to similar state 🙂
Open a x-terminal on your Maemo based N900 and issue the following command:
This should fix the issue.
Edit : Fixed the issue with the command not properly displayed in the blog post.
Related articles
- My new Maemo 5 Nokia N900 Mobile. (amit-agarwal.co.in)
- Weaponizing the Nokia N900 – Part 3.8 – Backtrack 5 on N900 (zitstif.no-ip.org)
- Video demo: Skype for Nokia N900 (share.skype.com)
Related Articles:
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.