nall – schedule your tasks like a pro

2014-10-06 121 words 1 min read

nall is a utility to run your scripts ( for whatever ) every defined period. Here is description:

Description : Nall is a small gtk+ application that discretely fits into your freedesktop
system tray (such as trayer).
Its purpose is to spawn periodically every kind of script and display a
one-line output in the tooltip window. The main usage of nall is monitoring or
just notifying of almost everything (it just depends upon your imagination and
ability to script).

For installation :

sudo yum install nall

Once done, you can start from terminal as “nall” or create a autostart file “~/.config/autostart/nall.desktop” to start it automatically when you log in :

[Desktop Entry]

Tags: cron nall scripts


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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