Port php mysql scripts to php 7.0 from 5.x version

2018-04-23 354 words 2 mins read

Recently I got a script or series of scripts that were written for PHP 5.6x and hence used mysql_connect which as you know by now does not work with PHP 7.0. Since there were number of scripts, I thought it would be waste of time to change them manually and wrote a script to fix them. If you have similar situation then probably this few lines could help you.

Since my scripts did not use all the functions so I did not put the sed commands for all of them but you get the idea ๐Ÿ™‚

#!/bin/bash - 
#          FILE: fix_mysql.sh
#         USAGE: ./fix_mysql.sh 
#       OPTIONS: ---
#          BUGS: ---
#         NOTES: ---
#        AUTHOR: Amit Agarwal (aka), 
#       CREATED: 03/23/2018 16:35
# Last modified: Fri Mar 23, 2018  04:36PM
#      REVISION:  ---

set -o nounset                              # Treat unset variables as an error

### Run as 
#### find . -type f -name \*php -exec ~/fixmysql.sh {} \;


# mysql_affected_rows -> mysqli_affected_rows($link)
# mysql_close -> mysqli_close($link)
# mysql_data_seek -> mysqli_data_seek( $result, $offset)
# mysql_errno -> mysqli_errno( $link)
# mysql_error -> mysqli_error( $link)
# mysql_fetch_array -> mysqli_fetch_array( $result, $type)
# mysql_fetch_assoc -> mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result)
# mysql_fetch_lengths -> mysqli_fetch_lengths( $result )
# mysql_fetch_object -> mysqli_fetch_object( $result, $class, $params)
# mysql_fetch_row -> mysqli_fetch_row( $result)
# mysql_field_seek -> mysqli_field_seek( $result, $number)
# mysql_free_result -> mysqli_free_result(result)
# mysql_get_client_info -> mysqli_get_client_info( $link)
# mysql_get_host_info -> mysqli_get_host_info( $link)
# mysql_get_proto_info -> mysqli_get_proto_info( $link)
# mysql_get_server_info -> mysqli_get_server_info( $link)
# mysql_info -> mysqli_info( $link)
# mysql_insert_id -> mysqli_insert_id( $link)
# mysql_num_rows ->  mysqli_num_rows( $result)
# mysql_ping -> mysqli_ping( $link)
# mysql_query -> mysqli_query( $link, $query)
# mysql_real_escape_string -> mysqli_real_escape_string( $link)
# mysql_select_db - > mysqli_select_db( $link, $database)
# mysql_set_charset -> mysqli_set_charset( $link, $charset)
# mysql_stat -> mysqli_stat( $link)
# mysql_thread_id -> mysqli_thread_id( $link)

sed -i 's/mysql_connect/mysqli_connect/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_query(/mysqli_query($con,/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_error/mysqli_error/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_select_db(/mysqli_select_db($con,/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_affected_rows/mysqli_affected_rows($con,/' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_escape_string(/mysqli_escape_string($con/' $file 
sed -i 's/mysql_real_escape_string(/mysqli_real_escape_string($con/' $file 
sed -i 's/mysql_fetch_array/mysqli_fetch_array/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_fetch_assoc/mysqli_fetch_assoc/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_fetch_row/mysqli_fetch_row/g' $file
sed -i 's/mysql_select_db/mysqli_select_db/g' $file


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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