bash 4

i3 – show mapped hotkeys


Here is a simple script that can show you the hotkeys bound in ~/.config/i3/config : #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: …

Linux Best Practices and Tips


Linux is powerful, flexible, and can be adapted to a broad range of uses. While best practices for administrating Linux servers are not hard to find due the popularity of the operating system, there …

bash – expand shell variables ( bash bug resolved )


As you would have noticed in the recent versions of bash, expansion does not work properly when expanding directory names. So, for something like this cd $varname if you press tab, then variable name …

bash 4.0 – new feature mapfile


Recently I encountered a problem where I had to create couple of arrays in bash and these were quite dynamic in nature. This script was supposed to be used by couple of guys whom I did not trust too …

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