
Download Ticket Service – dl is now on fedora.


From : […] “dl” is a file exchange service that allows you to upload any file to a web server and generate a unique ticket for others to download. The …

Announcing the release of Fedora 14 and upgrade procedure.


Before you read the release announcement, you can update/upgrade to F14 with : […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> &nbsp;sudo yum upgrade --releasever=14 …

cairo-dock themes on server – download to local machine.


I was trying to get all the cairo-themes locally. One because sometimes the internet connection is slow and second for the fun of it. So I did the first thing that can be done, to search the internet …

Download with browse with bash and wget


Been pretty busy for last couple of days. Will be busy for another few days, but here&#8217;s something to munch in the meantime (Script may need changes depending on the type of file you want to …

Jokes – many to be downloaded once..


All work and no fun makes Jack dull boy. So lets do something for fun. Here is a one liner I wrote sometime back. The original idea is not mine and I don&#8217;t remeber where I got the idea from …

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