gnome shell

Gnome with i3 on Fedora 29


I have been thinking of doing this for long time, finally I managed to get this working. Here is what you need to do to get i3 with all other gnome services running. First we will create 2 files, this …

conky transparent window on Fedora with Gnome.


On Fedora with Gnome-shell 3, its been long time that I was not able to get transparent window. So, finally I thought to spend some time to try to fix that. Finally got that fixed with all the …

Set gnome-shell to start in fallback mode without GUI.


If you run into issues with gnome-shell then gnome-shell should allow you to disable all the plugins and get the gnome-shell. But since gnome-shell is still evolving, you might run into issue where …

gnome-tweak-tool gets a fantastic new Font Selector window


Here is the quick look at how the Font Selector looks like now. And its not just for the gnome-tweak-tool, its for all the places for font selection. I really loved it. So intuitive to use and …

Fedora 16 screenshot with conky and bmpaenl2


For all those who used to keep complaining about the bottom panel of Gnome which used to show a list of windows, you can get it back with bmpanel2 (there are lot of other options too, but this one is …

Gnome 3 screenshot with conky dock


Just to give you a idea of how beautiful it looks, here’s a screenshot 🙂

gnome-shell and gnome-do on F11 Screenshots


Here are some screenshots of gnome-shell : <a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1246" …

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