
Color schemes for your terminal


Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal and Pantheon Terminal – here is the github page – make your teminal sexy

2019/07/22 is a nice webpage that allows you to select the colors for your terminal and then you can export it in various formats. Main site : and for the source code: Github …

using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.


Found this great page and thought of sharing this: When using this, you will need to install : …

sakura – Reaaly good terminal with very few dependencies.


I was searching for something in the Fedora repos and found a really good terminal, sakura. Its very much like Gnome-terminal. I did not find much difference other than using less memory. To install: …

Setting the title of PuTTY window.


Setting the title for PuTTY window is quite a simple trick. The trick is to set the PS1 with a escape sequence. When the PS1 is set with the escape sequence the variable will set the title window …

change the terminal title dynamically in X11


I was actually looking for this for quite sometime. Some years back in my bashrc was the proper setting for setting the terminal title when I did a cd, and I had completely forgotten how to do it. So …

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