
Get disk usage for all the containers with python script


With my increasing love for python, here is my attempt to get the disk usage of all the containers on some host. Well, since the requirements vary for everyone, so this script is far from complete.

ansible with docker dynamic inventory


So, I have a few dockers. Every now and then I want to run some command on all of them. Doing ‘docker exec’ is tiresome. I found this neat solution with ansible that I thought I should share with you. …

cups web interface.


Today I found an interesting piece of information. I was trying to debug a problem with the cups service and found that cups offers a web administration.brbrThe server is running at port 631. So point …

Managing your remote site locally – sitecopy.


If you are managing a remote site, web server that you do not have direct access to (terminal or ssh) and you have to do it with cpanel, then I know how much pain it is. I had the same issue until …

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