
command not found – packagekit plugin


If you run into problems where you run some command and the command is not found and you have to install it and run the program again then why not use the command not found <a class="zem_slink …

unbound variable – bash completion not working and having issues with other stuff like command not found.


I generally use vi/vim for all my practical purposes of working with text files. And I have all the vi/vim plugins required to work with the files. This causes the following to be in the skeleton for …

PackageKit error File \”/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/\”, line 1215, in _get_depends_not_installed – Resolved


In packagekit, if you getting the error below: […] Traceback (most recent call last): File &#8221;/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/;, line 1215, in …

Packagekit Error


With the latest update on my Fedora 10(F10) I started getting this error when ever I wanted to use the gnome package kit (I was able to use yum though): failed to get a TID: A security policy in place …

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