
cURL – Tutorial


Here are linkw to two nice tutorials on curl and how to use curl to login before we try to fetch a page. Hope you find them useful. …

Over 50 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources


OStatic: ”n this post, you’ll find an updated set of more than 45 collections and resources. Hopefully, you’ll find something to learn from here, and the good news is …

Using tput to save, clear and restore the terminal contents


Using tput to save, clear and restore the terminal contents $ tput smcup; echo ”Doing some things…”; sleep 2; tput rmcup Very useful for interactive scripts where you would like to …

Delete all files in a folder that don’t match a certain file extension


$ rm !(.foo|.bar|*.baz) Deletes all files in a folder that are NOT *.foo, *.bar or *.baz files. Edit the pattern inside the brackets as you like. […] <a …

Lock the hardware eject button of the cdrom


$ eject -i 1 This command will lock the hardware eject button of your cdrom drive. Some uses are: 1: If you have a toddler and has discovered the cdrom button 2: If you are carrying a laptop in a bag …

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