
get the contents of whole site like some wiki or wikia


For wikis and wikia, generally if you are trying to get some url mirror, then is an excellent option. This script is in the python sources so, to get this tool, yumdownloader --source …

CR Post to not working – resolved.


Last couple of months I was having a tough time getting the plugins in my wordpress to work with the service. This is the only service that I rely on to post my blogs. So, basically I was left …

some bash exercise for you


Here is some teaser for you, can you figure out how this works:

find duplicate entry in a list in bash with sed


Here I will take an example of rss2email list, but I guess I will be able to pass on the concept. Here is example of the output of the r2e list command: […] 1: …

l-exp listrs – A new look at linux blogs and sites


<a href=""><img id="kwiclick-temp-0" title="gigantic apple final cut studio software sign …" …

Short Information about loaded kernel modules


There are couple of ways you can find the information on the <a class="zem_slink" title="Loadable kernel module" rel="wikipedia" …

Simple rss to email service for your feeds on Linux with your/ISP server.


I like couple of blogs and feeds but the problem is that I keep forgetting to run the rss reader and would rather like to have the rss article&#8217;s emailed to me at regular intervals so that I …

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