
ss – utility to investigate sockets.


Sometimes, you find some interesting application/command by accident, and that is just what happened a few days back. Well, I was doing a ssh and as usual made my share of mistake in typing and missed …

[Solved] ssh works but scp does not


Image via Wikipedia […] For quite sometime now, I was having this issue, that for the home system, I was able to connect to is using ssh but it never worked. Fnally after quite some debugging …

Terminating a SSH session after starting background process.


 This is too good. If you are planning to start a background process in the bash script in the background and continue in the script, you cannot do it until……. You would need to close the stdout/stdin …

Easy ssh configuration with .ssh/config file


If you ssh to many hosts then you are aware of the pain that it takes to ssh with different username and hostname. There is an alias that you can creat with native ssh though. Here I will show you the …

PuTTY alternatives -


I like PuTTY quite a bit but do not like the fact that it does not have any tab feature. So, if I am working on multiple machines then un-necessarily I will have too many windows open cluttering my …

PuTTY ssh without password


you can do a ssh without password.. Today we will see how to do this with putty. Generate public/private (DSA)key pair using puttygen. copy the public key to ~/.ssh/authourized_keys on your server …

mussh - Multihost SSH wrapper


Description: […] Mussh is a <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/shell_script" title="Shell script" rel="wikipedia" …

Menu driven ssh.


I have quite a lot of servers where I need to ssh at workplace and I generally don&#8217;t remember all of them, so I wrote a simple yet useful script. In all the servers I have already copied my …

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