
Script to try various themes from kitty terminal


Here is the script. Very simple yet very useful script.

Gnome Icons, themes and window decorator.


Yesterday, I had tried fusion theme, but that did not work our that good for me. Reasons multifold: […] So I went back to my GNome but wanted to change the looks so searched enough today to get …

bash script to change icon theme to check out all the installed themes (personal)


I am really annoyed with the time that is required and the number of clicks that it takes to change the gnome icon theme. So here’s a small script that I wrote to quickly check out all the …

bash script to periodically change the cursor theme.


#!/bin/bash [[ ”$1” == ”” ]] && time=5 || time=$1 [[ ”$2” == ”” ]] && ( cd ~/.icons …

Spruce up your firefox with lightweight themes – Personas


Head over to Firefox addons site for persona <a href="" target="_blank">here. This addon will give you the ability to …

bash – change theme for gtk in gnome and take screenshot from script.


I wrote a blog on bash script to change the icon/cursor theme using a bash script. Lets extend the same concept a little more and use the script to change the gtk theme for gnome and at the same time …

Bash styling(themeing), the stylist way.


For last couple of days, I have been looking for solutions to make stlying my bash easier. So, first a screenshot of the effort: <img class="size-full wp-image-703" title="bash …

Change phpMyadmin theme.


Changing the phpMyAdmin theme is as easy as downloading a theme from <a href="" target="_blank">here. Then look at your …

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