

script for changing gnome-terminal color schemes.


Earlier I had posted this. So, if you want to try all of these schemes, then you need not have to copy paste the schemes from the web page, you can try the below script. # function idleToes() { …

Ubuntu setup – post installation script


If you have done a new installation of Ubuntu or Fedora, then yuou know you have to search all kind of blogs to find out what all to install. So, here is a easier way to do that. Just run this script, …

Set gnome-shell to start in fallback mode without GUI.


If you run into issues with gnome-shell then gnome-shell should allow you to disable all the plugins and get the gnome-shell. But since gnome-shell is still evolving, you might run into issue where …

Fedora 16 screenshot with conky and bmpaenl2


For all those who used to keep complaining about the bottom panel of Gnome which used to show a list of windows, you can get it back with bmpanel2 (there are lot of other options too, but this one is …

Gnome 3 screenshot with conky dock


Just to give you a idea of how beautiful it looks, here’s a screenshot 🙂

Gnome 3 shell themes


Image by grantc via Flickr […] If you are using gnome-shell and are bored with the same default theme then read on…. 🙂 By default changing the default theme requires that you modify the files …

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