Web Design and Development

Styled-Components: CSS-in-JS Library for the Modern Web


This post was written by Jeremy Davis, JavaScript Developer for Toptal. CSS was designed for documents, what the “old web” was expected to contain. The emergence of preprocessors like Sass or Less …

Port php mysql scripts to php 7.0 from 5.x version


Recently I got a script or series of scripts that were written for PHP 5.6x and hence used mysql_connect which as you know by now does not work with PHP 7.0. Since there were number of scripts, I …

Eight CSS Tips for Advanced Layouts and Effects


The realm of web front-end development has made considerable progress over the last few years. However, the web front-end, as the users see it, is still the same: HTML markup styled with CSS. Many …

remove the background the easy way — online


Here is a nice link to web application that lets you remove the unwanted background. Just head over to the side, follow the simple instructions of marking the background and the subject and you are …


Your own local search engine.


There are times when you would want to have a local search engine capable of indexing even pdf and doc files. So here is a solution. You can use “Omega” and here are the instructions. download omega …


cd across parallel directories


Image via Wikipedia […] Here is a simple and fast way to cd across parallel directory.


Empty a file


<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …

Free Home made calendar for December 2010.


Hope you will like this 🙂

Performance issues resolved with my blog.


For last 2-3 weeks there were quite a lot of performance issues with my website. I was looking at the same but could not get enough time to have all of them resolved together. Finally I have spent …

cURL – Tutorial


Here are linkw to two nice tutorials on curl and how to use curl to login before we try to fetch a page. Hope you find them useful. http://curl.haxx.se/docs/httpscripting.html …

15 (More) Awesome Conky Configurations


15 (More) Awesome <a class="zem_slink" title="Conky (software)" rel="homepage" href="http://conky.sourceforge.net/">Conky Configurations You may have …

List of commands you use most often


$ history | <a class="zem_slink" title="AWK" rel="homepage" href="http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/awkbook/index.html">awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print …

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