Windows XP

IE8 – Developer Tools


Don’t start banging me for this, but I had to test something on Windows and thus found out this. I f you need to debug or test something on IE8 on Windows, then you can simply press “F12” and this …

Linux>1% Campaign. Prove that we are more than 1% !


Linux>1% Campaign. Prove that we are more than 1% ! At they are running a campaign to make every owner of computers running Linux register. The aim is to prove that the …

Top 10 most ridiculous Windows Vista error messages – priceless though!!!


Windows Vista is always in the news on the blogosphere about how effective it performs. No matter what version of Vista you may be running, it’s possible that you may have already seen these error …

Browser and OS stats on my blog


I have been thinking of posting this for some time, but here are some stats from my <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/website" title="Website" rel="wikipedia" …

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