Build custom KDE ditro online in minutes with your selection of packages

2010-03-10 129 words 1 min read

There’s a new guy in the block and its called NimbleX. From various sources, I have found that this is quite fast. I am downloading this currently. The main advantage is that the distro is of just 200MB with most of the day to day utilities available in the distro by default.

<img title="Custom Nimble" src="" alt="Custom Nimble" width="264" height="67" />

And if you think that this is just not for you as you like some package and its missing from NimbleX, no problem. Just go <a href=" " target="_blank">here, and create your own live distro withing minutes with custom package&#8217;s that can be used as Live CD or can be installed on the HDD/USB. Now that&#8217;s generations ahead of Windows or any other OS. What do you say?


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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