Solaris one liners

2010-06-29 2289 words 11 mins read

Unix/Solaris: One-Liners


Listed here are a bunch of unix commands.

–> change file date stamp

touch –t 199906042020 filename

–> move partitions

ufsdump 0f – /dev/rdsk/c0t0s0s0 | (cd /home; ufsrestore xv -)

–> lay down file system with 1% minfree and inode density

newfs –m1 –i81920 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

–> check file system

fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

Q: starting sybase

login as sybase, run: ./install/RUN_SYBASE

Q: logging in as sybase sa

isql -U sa

–> dump a partition and pipe to gzip. Watch > 2GB limit

ufsdump 0f – /home | gzip – >/tmp/home.dump.gz

–> rewind offline a tape

mt –f /dev/rmt/0 rewoffl

–> only allow 300MB for user /tmp access

swap – /tmp tmpfs – yes SIZE=300M

–> verbose interactive restore

ufsrestore –ivf /dev/rmt/1

–> remove a printer from a class

lpadmin –p level5-line1 –r level5-line

–> truss a command

truss –-f -–o /tmp/log.txt

–> [DB] feed a script into sybase

isql –Urfe_xfer -Uuser -Ppassword -isqlscript »blah.txt

–> make a printer class

lpadmin –p level5-line1 –c level5-line

–> remove level2-line2 printer from printer class level2-line

lpadmin -p level2-line2 -r level2-line

–> add level2-line3 to printer class

lpadmin -c level2-line -p level2-line3

–> [DB] how to change your password in isql

sp_password password, password-new

–> move a directory

tar cf – ./games | (cd /tmp; tar xvBpf – )

–> [DB] run a sybase script, and dump to file


–> move a directory to another server

tar cf – ./games | rsh brucey cd /tmp\; tar xvBpf –

–> check for SUID SGID files

ncheck -F ufs -s /dev/dsk/c3t0d0s

— remove core files

find / -name core –exec rm –f {} \; -o –fstype nfs –prune

–> rebuild man pages

catman –w –M man-page-directory or /usr/lib/makewhatis

–> vi command to show special characters

set list

–> adding an account

useradd -u 120 –g dls -d /apps/dls –s /bin/ksh -c ”comment” -m dls

–> create a mysql database

mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword create ebs

–> starting mysql database

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.server start


–> Invoke CPAN module install

perl –MCPAN –eshell

–> dump to zip

ufsdump 0f – /filesystem | /opt/local/gzip – > /tmp/dump.gz

–> shutdown mysql databse

/usr/local/bin/mysqladmin shutdown -ppassword

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.server stop

–> test the loading of a module

PERL_DL_DEBUG=255 perl -e ’use CGI;’

–> shows open files

fuser –cu /

–> Writing a Daemon:

  1. edit /etc/services

add service and port.

  1. edit /etc/inetd.conf

add in: edwardd stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh /bin/sh /home/sextone/bin/SERVER.mine

  1. kill –HUP inetd.conf

–> how to mount a file system

mount /dev/dsk/c3t0d0s4 /apps/data/easysoft/DEVT

–> look at sar log

sar –f /var/adm/sa/sa24

–> write file checksums and size

cksum filename

–> show storage array info

ssaadm display /dev/rdsk/c1t5d2s0

–> show all disks on device d

luxadm display d

–> examine for a specific OS finerprint

nmap –sS -p 80 -O -v = examine OS

–> show print jobs

/usr/ucb/lpq –Plevel6

–> Scan for known ports. log it. do OS scan.

nmap –sS -F -o foo.log -v -O =

–> show status of printer

/usr/ucb/lpc status

–> make a swap file:

dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=65535

mkswap ./swapfile

chmod 600 ./swapfile

swapon ./swapfile

–> show open files for process

lsof –p PID

–> show open files for all TCP connections

lsof –iTCP

–> show open files for internet address

lsof -iTCP@

–> as above

lsof -i @

–> examine tcp ports

lsof -iTCP@sarah:1-50000

–> show open files for user.

lsof –u username

–> show processes that has the file in use.

lsof /apps/cms/ECMS-Server

–> show open files and retry every 5 seconds

lsof –p process-id –r 5

–> mount a floppy

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

–> check here for debugging processes and errno.h for errors




–> scp a whole directory, preserve mods

sudo scp -prv devel webadmin@

–> take processor 2 and 3 offline.

psradm -f 2 3

–> show processor stats verbose.

psrinfo –v

–> how to skip grant tables in mysql (over ride security)

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld -Sg

–> how to feed in an SQL program

mysql <create_table .sql

–> rm all files in directories

find . -type f -exec rm {} \;

–> dump packets to a capture file

sudo snoop –o /tmp/tcp.txt cp

–> backup one liner

tar cvf – /home/ebs | gzip – > ebs.tar.gz

–> Look at selected packets in capture file

sudo snoop -i /tmp/tcp.txt

–> unzip and pipe to tar

gzip -dc <kmysql -1_1_6_tar.gz | tar xvf -

–> watch packets from two servers.

snoop sarah brucey

–> enable ip masquerading

/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

-> view su log file

cat /var/adm/sulog

–> establish a default router or gateway.

echo &#8221;; > /etc/defaultrouter

echo &#8221; sagacity&#8221; » /etc/hosts

change /etc/nsswitch.conf so that hosts has files, dns

edit resolv.conf put in

search .


–> turn off automounter on /export/home.

vi /etc/auto_master, comment out /export/home

–> configuration file for sudoers


–> building ssh-1.2.27 on x86Solaris2.6 needed a few things:

/usr/openwin/bin in path

/usr/xpg4/bin in path

declare AR=&#8221;/usr/xpg4/bin/ar&#8221;

declare NM_PATH=&#8221;/usr/xpg4/bin/nm&#8221;

–> snoop network packets and get size and time stamp entries.

snoop -S -ta empa1

–> access perl CPAN

perl -MCPAN -e shell

install DBI

–> search for no password entries and lock all accounts.

for i in `passwd –sa | grep NP | awk ‘{print $1’`


echo “locking $i”

passwd –l $i


–> delete from a tar

tar –delete -f fs_backup_Sunday.tar home/ebs/tmp

–> Example on backing up files to tape. Must specify non rewinding, else you will over-write the files.

for file in `ls`


echo &#8221;sending $file to tape…&#8221;

echo `date`

tar cvpf /dev/rmt/0n $file


–> making/adding a partition.

  1. use fdisk to make a parition.

  2. mkfs -t ext2 -c /dev/hda11

  3. mount -t ext2 /dev/hda11 /opt2

  4. update /etc/fstab

–> rebuild the windex file

catman –w –M /usr/share/man

–> execute tar on remote host sarah and send tarball to standard output,

which becomes standard input for tar xvf – and the file gets dumped locally,

in this case on crawl. you have to cd to dir before tar or else you

will include path in tar

ssh maggie &#8221;cd $DIRNAME; tar cvf – $BASENAME&#8221; | (cd $TPATH; tar xvf – )

–> dump a remote filesystem and send it to local tape drive.

ssh -–x $fw /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0cf – $fs | dd obs=63k of=$TAPE

–> encrypt filename 1 and output to 1.crypt file

crypt < 1 > 1.crypt ; rm 1

–> decrypt filename 1.crypt and stdout to screen

crypt < 1.crypt

–> send a file to tape

tar cvpf /dev/rmt/0 filename

–> quicker way to search and replace in vi


–> shows where and which shared library files an application uses.

ldd binary

–> shell script stuff:

# repeat a command 100 times


while [ $x -gt 0 ]





–> Something very important to remember about partitions

It is important to note that Cylinder 0 contains the disklabel, which

contains the partition table. A normal filesystem can be placed

starting at Cylinder 0, since it will not touch the disklabel.

If you lay down a raw device, for a database, over Cylinder 0,

then you will completely lose all your partitions. You will then

have to restore the disklabel, and backup from tape if you happen to do this.

–> move a partition

find . |cpio -pdm /apps

–> cron structure

min hour day-of-month month weekday command

–> PatchDiag Tool. Get patches from:

patchdiag.xref is available at:

/opt/local/bin/patchdiag -x /opt/local/lib/patchdiag.xref > patchdiag.`uname -n`

–> command showing system parameters


–> Get Ambient Temperature of Server

/usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-4/sbin/prtdiag -v

–> good ps formatting showing percent cpu first.

ps -edf -o pcpu,pid,user,arg

–> full details on ps

/usr/bin/ps –A -o user,pid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,s,stime,time,args

–> chown the hidden files as well.

find . -print -exec chown -R sextone:staff {} \;

–> The nsradmin command is a command-line based administrative

program for the NetWorker system. Normally nsradmin monitors

and modifies NetWorker resources over the network.


–> Spray a server

-c number of packets

-d delay in microseconds

-l pakcet size in bytes

/usr/sbin/spray -c 1 –d 20 -l 4096 maggie

–> Turn on bold.

bold=`tput smso`

offbold=`tput rmso`

echo &#8221;${bold}You must be the &#8221;root&#8221; user to run this script.${offbold}&#8221;

–> good way to send a dir to tape

tar cf /dev/rmt/0n directory

–> example of bringing up an interface

ifconfig hme0:1 inet up

–> show all connections

netstat –f inet

–> rpcinfo makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports

what it finds.

rpcinfo -b 390109 2 | sort -u

–> rewind a tape fast

< /dev/rmt/0

–> show loaded modules


–> find world readable files and dirs

find / -type d –perm -2 –print

find . -type f –perm -2 -print

–> adding in a boot alias, eg:

boot sarahroot1 –s

nvalias sarahroot1 /sbus@1f,0/sunw,fas@e,8800000/sd@9,0:a

–> clever way to archive

tar cvf – `find . –print` >/tmp/dumpfile.tar

tar xvf –

–> tee to a file

echo &#8221;Start Date/Time: `date`&#8221; | tee -a $LOG_FILE

–> read a snoop file

snoop -i anz-telnet.snoop

–> write a snoop log (this will count the number of connections, which is pretty neat).

snoop –osnoop.log sarah

–> set default run level. 5 for gui.


–> show all exported filesystems

showmount -e crawl

–> shows all configurable variables for tcp interface.

sudo ndd -get /dev/tcp

– ?


sudo ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q


ndd /dev/arp \?

ndd /dev/ip \?

ndd /dev/tcp \?

ndd /dev/udp \?

ndd /dev/icmp \?

–> set sticky bit on group files, only the owner can change the mode.

–> the +l is mandatory file and record locking while a program

–> is accessing that file.

chmod g+s,+l file

–> print duplex landscape 4 qudrant printing

mpage –t –l –4

–> install a patch

installpatch .

–> check to see if a patch has been installed

showrev –p |grep package name

–> unzip, untar in a /tmp directory

zcat 104708-16.tar.gz | ( cd /tmp; sudo tar xvf – )

–> check out revision level on ssa controller

/usr/sbin/ssaadm display controller

–> unzip and untar a file without having to create an intermediate tar file

sudo gzip -dc /tmp/270599/post-EOD.tar.gz |tar xvf –

–> selectively extract from a tar archive

tar xvf /tmp/iona.tar ./iona/.sh_history

–> send a bunch of files to tape

tar cf /tmp/rules.tar ruleb* objects.C *.W

–> examine section 5 of man

man -s 5 signal

–> shows signals and definitions of structures, eg sigaction


–> location of the limits file on solaris


–> send an attachment via email from command prompt

uuencode file.tar.gz file.tar.gz | mailx –s “backup” root@crawl

–> zero a file

cat /dev/null > isam.log

–> good way to restore from cdrom a binary file

zcat < /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_2.6/Product/SUNWcsu/install/reloc.cpio.Z |

cpio –idm usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore

–> running su as a user then ssh

su – dls-PROD -c &#8221;/opt/local/bin/ssh drp-stagger &#8221;cd /tmp; /bin/ls&#8221; &#8221;

–> verify a newfs format

sudo newfs –Nv /dev/md/dsk/d96

–> making lost_found. must be 8192 bytes in size.

mkdir ./lost+found;chown root ./lost+found; chgrp root ./lost+found ;chmod 700 ./lost+found’; cd ./lost+found

nofiles=0 ; while [ &#8221;$nofiles&#8221; -le 650 ] ; do ; /usr/ucb/touch $nofiles ; nofiles=`expr $nofiles + 1` ; done

–> execute lynx

lynx -cfg /usr/lib/lynx.cfg

–> sed search example

sed &#8217;/Sep\ 25/!d; /castill/!d&#8217; /var/log/syslo

–>should only be used at the EEPROM

boot –r

–> should be used at single user mode

reboot — -r

–> should be used in multiuser mode

touch /reconfigure

–> performing a remote dump


|cpio -oc |gzip -c

|ssh brucey -l chaup dd obs=18k of=/dev/rmt/0n

– to extract –

cd /ssa/emphasys/sybase/dump

dd ibs=18k if=|gunzip -c |cpio –idc

–> boot block located here.

/usr/platform/`uname –i`/lib/fs/ufs

–> getting a server on the network

add hosts entry for IP address

clear configs: ifconfig pe0 unplumb

ifconfig pe0 netmask up

route add default 1

verify the routing table: netstat –rn

add resolv.conf entry: domain nameserver

edit /etc/nsswitch.conf change hosts to files, dns

lesson here is to unplumb interface, and let ifconfig setup the routing.

if you specify an ip address and a netmask it will manage

the routing and the broadcasting.

–> find all, files associated with PID 22240

/usr/proc/bin/pfiles 22240

find file based on inode

find –i number

“ncheck –i number

–> good redirection example

./a.out trash

–> synchronize files from one server to another. This is useful for

synchronizing database dump files, binary files, etc. This is definitely a powerful tool.

rsync -avz -e ssh –rsync-path=&#8221;/usr/local/bin/rsync&#8221; `pwd`

–> Example Awk Script

# run with awk -f/tmp/1.awk /etc/group

BEGIN { FS = &#8221;:&#8221; }

{ print $1 | &#8221;sort&#8221; }

{ nlines++ }

END { print nlines }

–> awk example.

awk &#8217;/#/ {print &#8221;Got a comment&#8221;}&#8217; /etc/hosts

–> delete every 2nd field in file

awk '{$2= &#8221;&#8221;; print}&#8217; datafile >

–> awk average/standard deviation program

x1 += $1

x2 += $1*$1


x1 = x1/NR

x2 = x2/NR

sigma = sqrt(x2 – x1*x1)

if (NR > 1) std_err = sigma/sqrt(NR – 1)

print &#8221;Number of points = &#8221; NR

print &#8221;Mean = &#8221; x1

print &#8221;Standard Deviation = &#8221; sigma

print &#8221;Standard Error = &#8221; std_err

# tapeless tar

By : anonymous ( Wed Jan 17 00:48:20 2007 )

# Ack

By : Samir Kumar Rakshit ( Tue Jan 9 21:58:24 2007 )

# How to ru RPC daemons on solaris

By : kian ( Sun Oct 8 23:01:47 2006 )

# A great Service

By : anonymous ( Thu Jul 13 11:48:18 2006 )

# helpfull commands..

By : binoy ( Thu May 4 15:45:22 2006 )

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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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