Vim Tips

bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes


Here’s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂 You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and …

using paragraph seperator in vi – the easy way


imap aa 80i-io […] Just put this in the vimrc or in a vi session with a : in normal mode. Explanation: This will map the key ”aa” to the sequence which will add …

vim understanding the various modes and using the yanking more efficiently.


We will look at the vim modes today. Sometime back , I was looking at copying a function body. So I was basically looking to copy the lines till matching ”}”. I found a plugin …

vim scripts and tips


Here are few of the links for vim that you can use. It consists of the link to vimrc, colorscheme, syntaxcomplete and zzsplash. <a …

vim search multiple files


Searching some pattern in multiple files is something that is required very often. There are multiple ways to do it, like <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/grep" title="Grep" …

eclim for Fedora – Leonidas – installation.


Here is the installation instruction for Eclim for vim. I have not tried it as I did not require it, but if you need it. …

Built-in lists in vim


<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/vimscript" title="Vimscript" rel="wikipedia" href="">Vimscript provides excellent …

using cscope with vim


Here&#8217;s the best of the two links that I found with <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/google" title="Google" rel="homepage" …

Finding all numbers that are bigger than 1 in vim


/^([2-9]d*|1d+) If we have a csv like structure The trick here is simple, lets look at the regex from the begining: ^ – start from the begining () – start and end of block [] – digits within this. So …

Know when you will type :q in your term instead of vi(m), the alias will chewed you out.


most simple solution is to alias :q like so: alias :q=`echo &#8221;This is not vim&#8221;` but as someone suggested in commandlinefu, you can use tput to put some color and fun into this. …

Add current date and time in vim


Last few days I was quite busy. So this time very quick tip 🙂 Add the following to the ~/.vimrc file imap dt :r! dateA And now whenever you type dt in the insert mode in vi, date will be inserted.

stop indentation on current file in vim to keep the indentation from copied text.


I have been looking for this for quite some time. Finally found two easy ways to do it: […] :setlocal noautoindent :setlocal nocindent :setlocal nosmartindent :setlocal indentexpr= […] …

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