File Management

Take a screenshot of the window the user clicks on and name the file the same as the window title


Take a screenshot of the window the user clicks on and name the file the same as the window title […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> &nbsp;sleep 4; xwd …

New feature in Gnome/Nautilus


One of the things that I never realized that I am missing in Nautilus until they put the feature in was this. When a file is being copied and there is conflict, there should be option to rename the …

function for copy files with progress bar (using pv – pipe viewer)


function for copy files with progress bar (using pv – pipe viewer) […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> &nbsp;cp_p() { if [ `echo "$2" | grep …

tee to a file descriptor


tee to a file descriptor […] 1 $ tee >(cat &#8211; >&2) the tee command does fine with file names, but not so much with file descriptors, such as &2. This uses process …

bash script to change the vim colorscheme from the list of locally available schemes


Today I was just wondering how good it would be to have a script to change the <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/vim" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" …

Mirror or download a website with a tool much better than wget


If you want to mirror a <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/website" title="Website" rel="wikipedia" href="">website, the …

Downloading all related videos from youtube with youtube-dl


How many time did you want to see all the videos (related) to the one you were watching on youtube but decided otherwise as the downloaded was not fast enough. Or has it happened to you that you …

top - looks better and is more useful with a rc file…


top is a very useful command to find out who is eating up the <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/central_processing_unit" title="Central processing unit" rel="wikipedia" …

bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes


Here&#8217;s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂 You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and …

Linux find command – Find file and directories faster and easier


 This command is very powerfull when used with combination of filters and pipes and RE. I will give some example: […] find . -type f –» List all files find . -type f -exec rm {} …

prepend to a file with sponge from moreutils


<a href="">A few weeks I wrote about a tool, which helps you easily prepend to a file. I submitted prepend …

Perl script to create csv files with a pattern – Generic script.


I was having a really bad day and needed a quick solution to create some csv files. And this I needed to do for multiple data kinds and patterns, so I created this small script to do the job for me… …

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