
shell script for some quick tests on Linux


Head over to the link and grab the script. Just run it and make yourself a little bit more safe 🙂

PHP Image gallery with fancybox.


So, I was looking for some quick to setup PHP Image gallery file. I found couple but none of them suited my needs too well. So I had to write my own. Very simple PHP script to show all the images …

Search CVE – web interface with php


So, last few weeks have been very busy with lot of security issues, so I thought of having a local CVE Search app. But all I could find on google and were on python and nothing that I could …

vim – yank/xopy in different register to paste


Very quick update, to use registers, you can select and then yank in a register to paste using the same register. This could be a convinient way to copy multiple selections and then paste which ever …

what is vim in 6Kb..


If you thought that vim is very bloated and nothing abuot this editor can be small, then you are not alone. I was myself in the same bandwagon. Well, I never thought that there could be anything about …

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