Insert key

vim mappings – easy way to do things.


You can use vim mappings to make some of your editor tasks very simple. Here I am giving you just a example, but you could always let your imagination run wild. :nmap ,b Oj0c$**hP And what do we do …

vim maps – simple commands to do stuff.


Some time back, I was working on some script for logging and I wanted to change the class to function like this: $logger->Debug("Test string"); loggerFunc("Debug", "Test String"); As you can see, …

when you press f9 ‘paste’ is on , press f9 again and ‘paste’ is off, and so forth (works in insert-mode and command-mode)


<a class="zem_slink" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" href="">vim&#8217;s pastetoggle: when you press f9 …

vim understanding the various modes and using the yanking more efficiently.


We will look at the vim modes today. Sometime back , I was looking at copying a function body. So I was basically looking to copy the lines till matching &#8221;}&#8221;. I found a plugin …

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