Quick tip on zipping logs in real time.

2010-10-13 171 words 1 min read

Sometimes, some small things that we don’t actually think can be useful are such useful. I faced this couple of days back when I was working on something and the amount of logs getting generated and the files getting rotated was too fast. If I had to use this for sometime, I needed some script, application or something to make sure that the logs are zipped every few seconds. Finding an application for this would take time and what good is bash if we need to find applications for this. So, a simple bash command did the trick. Most of us would know this but applying it and using it at the right time, was what saved my life. Thanks to bash. Here is the command:

    <div class="text codecolorer">
      for i in *.log<br /> <br /> do<br /> <br /> gzip $i<br /> <br /> sleep 5<br /> <br /> done

Can it get simpler than this 🙂


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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