print every nth line
Some time back I was working with lot of data and wanted to analyze only the every 10 line sometimes and sometimes every 20th line. I had to keep doing these changes in vim or otherwise so finally I wrote a program to do this for me. If you need such a program then here it is:
<div class="text codecolorer">
#!/bin/bash -<br /> #===============================================================================<br /> #<br /> # FILE:<br /> #<br /> # USAGE: ./<br /> #<br /> # DESCRIPTION: Print every nth line<br /> #<br /> # OPTIONS: ---<br /> # REQUIREMENTS: ---<br /> # BUGS: ---<br /> # NOTES: ---<br /> # AUTHOR: (),<br /> # COMPANY:<br /> # VERSION: 1.0<br /> # CREATED: 12/08/2010 05:36:53 PM IST<br /> # REVISION: ---<br /> #===============================================================================<br /> <br /> if [ x"$1" == "x" ]<br /> then<br /> echo "Please provide the line numbers to print .. .ex 3 will print 3,6,9"<br /> exit -1;<br /> fi<br /> if [ x"$2" == "x" ]<br /> then<br /> echo "Please provide the filename"<br /> exit -2;<br /> fi<br /> awk 'temp++ { if ( temp % '$1' == 0) print $1};' $2
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.