use finch, less memory and cpu usage, in replacement for pidgin.

2011-03-27 185 words 1 min read

Well, if you are on linux then you have options – is a known fact. But how those options help?

I was working on a machine which had very less RAM and was quite old system and it was running F14. Guess what would be the state of the system with pidgin, xmms, firefox, evolution and couple of terminals. Now, this is where if you could save a few cycles of CPU then you can actullay see the difference in sluggish GUI and and an okay sort of GUI. So, first off, kill pidgin and use finch.

    <div class="text codecolorer">
      sudo yum install finch

For learning the keyboard shortcuts, use the man page. They are quite okay to remember if you remember that the modifier is “alt” key.


Also there is some mouse support also, but why need that if you are working on a terminal. I liked it quite a lot.

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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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