Battery performance improvement with powertop and using xidel.

2012-12-24 149 words 1 min read

For those of you, who have not heard about powertop, it is a tool to monitor the power consumption on your system. It has a tab which shows the tuneable parameters. Doing the changes suggested in those would improve the life to quite an extent. Here is the description of powertop:

PowerTOP is a tool that finds the software component(s) that makeyour computer use more power than necessary while it is idle.

So, here is something that you can do to quickly apply the changes suggested by tuneable parameters.
First, get the report in html format using

sudo powertop --html

With this you will get powertop.html and now quickly get the xidel binary from sourceforge site. Once you have got that exeute the command

xidel powertop.html   -e "css('html body div#tuning table tr td:nth-child(2)')"

This will show you all the tuneable parameters of your system 🙂


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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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