speed up journalctl

2016-04-25 97 words 1 min read

Sometime back I noticed that whenever I run my favourite command, viz.

journalctl -xn -f -l

it was taking more time than usual. So, I thought to dig more into it and finally found that the following command:

sudo journalctl --disk-usage

showed that journalctl was using some huge space in tune of about 4GB. So, the solution was simple, vaccum the journal entries and the command to do so is :

sudo journalctl --vacuum-size 90M

Checking journalctl size after that confirms the size is reduced and after that indeed the above journal command takes no time 🙂


Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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