
Display X applications from virtual terminals


Here is a script that can help you set the proper envirionment to start a gnome-shell from one of the terminals. #!/bin/bash - …

Set gnome-shell to start in fallback mode without GUI.


If you run into issues with gnome-shell then gnome-shell should allow you to disable all the plugins and get the gnome-shell. But since gnome-shell is still evolving, you might run into issue where …

Color disk usage on Fedora


For this tip, you would need to setup the rpm-shere repository. You can get the information here. Once you have done that you need to install the cdu package with the following command: sudo yum …


Consistent ethernet device names in Verne


Fedora now supports consistent device names across the network with bios device names for the ethernet devices. If you upgraded your earlier version of Fedora then you may need to go to root access to …

Quickly install most of the things that you need on Fedora.


gnome-tweak-tool gets a fantastic new Font Selector window


Here is the quick look at how the Font Selector looks like now. And its not just for the gnome-tweak-tool, its for all the places for font selection. I really loved it. So intuitive to use and …

Fedora 16 screenshot with conky and bmpaenl2


For all those who used to keep complaining about the bottom panel of Gnome which used to show a list of windows, you can get it back with bmpanel2 (there are lot of other options too, but this one is …

Screenshot of Gnome3 with awn


Here is another screenshot of my laptop desktop with Gnome 3 and AWN (Avant window Navigator) running. Looks beautiful, isn’t it? […]

Gnome 3 screenshot with conky dock


Just to give you a idea of how beautiful it looks, here’s a screenshot 🙂

Gnome 3 shell themes


Image by grantc via Flickr […] If you are using gnome-shell and are bored with the same default theme then read on…. 🙂 By default changing the default theme requires that you modify the files …

GPG error on N900 when doing update on command line


Image via Wikipedia […] If you have added some extra repositories to your Nokia N900 and are trying to do something ( like update, install or any other apt-get operation) you might see some …

sakura – Reaaly good terminal with very few dependencies.


I was searching for something in the Fedora repos and found a really good terminal, sakura. Its very much like Gnome-terminal. I did not find much difference other than using less memory. To install: …

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