
Mod and hack the GNome main menu with automated scripts to create a menu of the directory.


Problem: I had a directory with very good collection of my scripts and very organized in folders. The structure is something like this, first I have the broad classification of the category. Then I …

shotwell- Photo organizer for Linux in Gnome


Here is description of shotwell: […] Shotwell is a new <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/open_source" title="Open Source" rel="wikinvest" …

Speed up gnome and change widow manager for gnome.


I have been planning to do this for quite some time now. So finally I did this today. Actually I wanted to use some features of gnome like tracker and gnome-settings and quite a few other things along …

C Prog to change wallpaper in every 30 seconds.


I wrote a good length of description on the below but somehow my browser closed without saving that. So I am just putting the program below: #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> …

gnome-shell and gnome-do on F11 Screenshots


Here are some screenshots of gnome-shell : <a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1246" …

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