regular expression

GREP_COLORS – change the colors in the GREP output.


Today we will look at the variable GREP_COLORS. This variable determines the colour that is used with the grep command. You can look at the man page of the grep command to see what the various options …

create text tables from delimited files.


To create simple text tables to paste in emails or to use in any other document where you want to show a table, here is something that you can use. There is a perl module which provides “tablify“. And …

Rekursive Grep on Solaris or AIX Systems without GNU egrep -r funcionality


If you work regularly on a Solaris or systems which do not have the “-r” (recursive grep) for grep, then you know what a lifesaver this command can be. Here is one from command line fu: find . -type f …

bash regular expressions


Here are some quick links on bash regular expressions, pretty good links to bookmark, if you use, regular expressions in bash regularly. I especially like the tldp link at number 3. …

Building a Finite State Machine Using DFA::Simple

2010/12/15 Building a Finite State Machine Using DFA::Simple By Bill Ruppert on September 23, 2004 12:00 AM I am converting some articles from MS Word to HTML by …

Handy one-liners for SED


Here are some links to sed one liners, pretty useful if you want to use the power of sed. <a …

regular expression, sed and grep tuturials and tricks.


Simply a great one page article on sed and use of regular expressions. <a href="" …

redet – build regular expression (regex) for any program.


Even if someone is a regex guru there are times that people get confused with some regular expression and want to either test it out or want to some help. Behold, redet is here. Lets start with …

Google\’s RE2 regular expression library


? <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/google" title="Google" rel="homepage" href="">Google has announced the release of its RE2 library under …

String and Array Creation


<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …

Detecting URLs in a Block of Text


Jan Goyvaerts on <a href="" target="_blank">Detecting URLs in a Block of Text In his blog post <a …

Search & replace with find & ed


function sr() { declare pattern replacement name usage declare -i pvar=0 rvar=0 tvar=0 usage='usage: sr [-t ] [-n name] [-p pattern] [-r replacement] [– ] [dir1 dir2 …]' # cf. <a …

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