
Why Ptyxis is a Game-Changer for Embedded Terminal Emulation


When you’re building applications that need terminal-like functionality, embedding a full terminal emulator can feel like overkill. Enter Ptyxis—a lightweight, versatile tool for integrating terminal …

kitty terminal themes


Kitty is a very nice and fast terminal that uses GPU, you can find more information here. For this terminal there are lot of themes available that you can checkout on the kitty themes github page …

unicode characters in urxvt terminal


If you quickly want to type the unicode character in urxvt terminal, then try doing this: Press Shift+Ctrl and then type the number for the unicode. 🙂

Color schemes for your terminal


Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal and Pantheon Terminal – here is the github page https://github.com/Mayccoll/Gogh/

ranger – try terminal file manager


ranger is a terminal file manager, just install and run and have some fun. Tip: You might want to try it on uxrvt terminal and in Photos folder once.

terminal in browser.


Quite a lot of time, we are spending most of the time on Browsers and during this time, leaving the browser just to do some ls or some command for quickly checking something does not look productive …

sakura – Reaaly good terminal with very few dependencies.


I was searching for something in the Fedora repos and found a really good terminal, sakura. Its very much like Gnome-terminal. I did not find much difference other than using less memory. To install: …

change the terminal title dynamically in X11


I was actually looking for this for quite sometime. Some years back in my bashrc was the proper setting for setting the terminal title when I did a cd, and I had completely forgotten how to do it. So …

bash colors


For those of the terminal freaks, color is a bliss. But have you tried all the colors in the terminal. Today someone forwarded me a bash one liner for the same. Not sure where he got this from, anyway …

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