Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.

2012-03-05 228 words 2 mins read

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Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and editor with it, its of not much use. So, here is something  that you can do :

First get the rfc rpm from the below link:

And then set the correct editor for the RFC files:


And then you would need to set the full path for the RFC repository to a file called “~/.rfcrc”. This file would contain only one line and that would be the path where you have stored all the RFC’s. And BTW, if you do not download the RFC’s then this tool will directly search and download from the default base location so you do not need to do anything.

And then you can also set syntax and filetype in .vimrc to “rfc”. Now you are all set.
Just execute


You will see the list of options. And here is quick options that you may keep handy

rfc  -- show the headline for the rfc
rfc -l  -- open the rfc
rfc -r -- do regex search on rfc-index
rfc -s   -- search for string

Hope this helps

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Authored By Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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