unable to browse windows network with samba4
I use Fedora 17 on my work laptop and thus need to connect to windows share sometimes. After I upgraded to Fedora 17 some time, I was unable to browse the windows network. I would get all kind of errors and warnings and tried everything that I knew about Samba to fix the issue. Tried searching through all the forums to figure out what was wrong but nothing helped. And suddenly today I resolved it and guess how:
Samba4 packages still are not able to mount the windows shares.
So, the solution was simple, remove samba 4 and go back to samba 3 current version in the repos. That sounded easy, until I started doing it. There are lot of dependencies on the samba-client so unless you are ready to remove them all and add them again, it’s not going to be that easy. Finally I had to do it the old fashioned way, using rpm command rather that yum, and here is how I did it:
rpm -e --nodeps samba4* sudo yum install samba*
Since, I wanted all the samba4 packages to go away so removed them all at one go and then added the samba packages with yum :).
Related articles
- Samba (wiki.archlinux.org)
- Samba fixes critical remote code execution vulnerability (h-online.com)
Related Articles:
- 2010/04/21 Upgrade to Fedora 13 from your existing version using yum.
- 2012/05/15 Upgrade to Fedora 17 from 16.
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- 2011/04/20 Results of Fedora 16 Release Name Voting
- 2010/10/08 http://ninite.com/linux/makeuseof – very good collection of utilities for .deb based distro’s

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.