
List all the tags for a image on docker hub


Something that you may want to know sometimes and docker cli does not show by default is all the tags for the image on docker hub. Here is example to list all tags fro the centos image curl …

Get the git url of current repo in clipboard


Lot of times, I just want to copy the git url to clipboard. This is so common in my flow of work that I created an alias for it. Here it is:

i3 – show mapped hotkeys


Here is a simple script that can show you the hotkeys bound in ~/.config/i3/config : #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: …

Check your session type – wayland or X11


With both wayland and X11 in mainstream, its pretty easy to forget if you are running in Wayland or in X11. To check this here are the commands:

copy /proc folder


Other day, I was trying to copy the proc folder with following command: tar cvzf /tmp/proc.tgz /proc and I found out that all the files in tar were empty. Strange it may seem but lot of people are …

cool sed/grep magic to convert output to csv format


I generallly keep doing this a lot, so thought will share with you. Lets assume we are capturing free ouput every min/hour/or whatever. The output looks like this: […] Time: Mon Jan 21 23:59:10 …

Directories with maximum number of files


Lot of times, I want to find the directories with maximum number of files and so I wrote this quick function to do exactly the same

xev – Check the X keyboard events


xev man page […] xev – print contents of X events […] So other day I was checking why my play key was not working and wanted to check if it maps to one of the X default mappings for the …

Get to your ebooks quickly


We are using “rofi” here to show the menu. So, lets first install that cat <<EOF >/etc/yum.repos.d/_copr_yaroslav-i3desktop.repo [yaroslav-i3desktop] name=Copr repo for i3desktop owned by …

Monitor progress of coreutils commad like mv, cp etc


Monitor progress of coreutils commad like mv, cp etc You can use command called “progress”. Other option is “pv” but that is little complicated so here is simpler option. […] Progress – A …

ssh – remove offending key.


Whenever a system/server is re-installed or the host key changed for any reason, you would have seen the “host key verification failed”. And as usual you would have to go to known_hosts file and …

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