
remove/replace text/path in config file.


Lot of times I end up changing a particular text in config file to some other text. And when I have to do it for multiple files, all files having the text in multiple places, I end up opening the …

Script to add all the partitions to the fstab.


I wrote a simple script today to get all the partitions on all the disks and then create <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/fstab" title="Fstab" rel="wikipedia" …

Upload a video to youtube


[…] <td> <div class="bash codecolorer"> google youtube post <span class="re5">--title</span> <span class="st0">"My …

cdargs – bash cd command with bookmarks and browser.


cdargs is a <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/bash" title="Bash" rel="homepage" href="">bash shell cd with …

concatenate compressed and uncompressed logs


$ find /var/log/apache2 -name 'access.loggz' -exec <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/gzip" title="Gzip" rel="homepage" href="">zcat {} ; …

Change pidgin status from the command line


$ purple-remote "setstatus?status=away&message=AFK" Thanks for the comment oshazard, i wasn&#8217;t aware of purple-remote existence. […] <a …

Scripts to create logins from bash command – for creating multiple accounts


Heres the script: […] cat «EOF > for i in `cat logins` ; do login=`echo &#8221;$i&#8221;|awk -F&#8221;:&#8221; '{print $2}&#8217;`; …

bash completion not working on Fedora


I had bash completion installed and after that I had made huge changes to my bashrc and also installed bashstyle. After this the bash-completion stopped working. I had to spend a lot of time to figure …

colors in bash – script to display all the possible colors.


If you wanted to have colors in the bash output (including the colors in PS1-4), don&#8217;t you keep wondering how the color code would look on the terminal. So, I wrote this small script to show …

redet – build regular expression (regex) for any program.


Even if someone is a regex guru there are times that people get confused with some regular expression and want to either test it out or want to some help. Behold, redet is here. Lets start with …

Modifying the bashrc or bash startup files.


Find the article <a href="">here. Copy here:<div class="entrybody"> If you&#8217;ve been learning the <a …

let a cow tell you your fortune


let a cow tell you your fortune […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> $ fortune | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/cowsay" title="Cowsay" …

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