
Hackernews In Your Inbox


If you do not want to subscribe to any newsletter but still want to get some news delivered to you inbox then this post is for you. First you need to get a script that can pull the hacker-news …

Warn when battery is low


I am very lazy to look at battery status and want to be warned when the battery is low. This means that even if I am away from the laptop, I can be warned that laptop is about to poweroff due to …

Some good find alias.


Here are some interesting alias’s that you may want to add to your bashrc file or where-ever else you add your aliase’s. Very useful if you use find commonly. There are four aliases …

Books menu with bash


If you have a folder full of ebooks in various formats and not necessarily one sigle format and you want to have a quick menu to browse though your collection without requiring to open a File Manager …

Pygmentize Styles


I have recently started using pygmentize for looking at my code in terminal. A very good and native way to do this is to use pygmentize. If you do not know about pygmentize then […] Highlight …

scripting – performance improvement with file open


Sometimes just one line of code can make all the difference. I will show you with example. Here is script with 2 functions. Both are writing some lines of text to a file. First function, “a” I have …

i3 – show mapped hotkeys


Here is a simple script that can show you the hotkeys bound in ~/.config/i3/config : #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: …

scan your network with bash IP scan script


Here is the youtbe video that will walk you through bash script.

cool sed/grep magic to convert output to csv format


I generallly keep doing this a lot, so thought will share with you. Lets assume we are capturing free ouput every min/hour/or whatever. The output looks like this: […] Time: Mon Jan 21 23:59:10 …

Get to your ebooks quickly


We are using “rofi” here to show the menu. So, lets first install that cat <<EOF >/etc/yum.repos.d/_copr_yaroslav-i3desktop.repo [yaroslav-i3desktop] name=Copr repo for i3desktop owned by …

Generate random string for various use case


Some times I need random string, for example to use as email seperator or to use in some API. One way is to use tools like /dev/[u]random or od and other such. But they seem cubersome after I figured …

image ordering by Original Date Time using bash script


Here is the script: #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: # # USAGE: ./ # # DESCRIPTION: # # OPTIONS: --- # …

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