Google chrome on Fedora 11 Leonidas.
96 words
1 min read
Earlier I had posted a article on installing <a href="" target="_blank">chromium on Linux. Chromium is the open source version of the browser which is used by Google to develop its famous browser Chrome. Now chrome rpm is available from google site to install on F11. Here’s how to do it. First we will add a repo for google. As root user do the following:
cat «EOF >/etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo
name=Google – i386
Now you can install chrome with yum as you do with all other softwares. Just enter the command
sudo yum install google-chrome-unstable
Related Articles:
- 2009/12/19 Chrome – Chromium on Linux (repo)
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- 2010/06/14 Google Profiles Turn Into OpenIDs
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- 2010/06/02 Google staff dropping Windows for Macs, Linux PCs

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.