Command-line interface
GREP_COLORS – change the colors in the GREP output.
Today we will look at the variable GREP_COLORS. This variable determines the colour that is used with the grep command. You can look at the man page of the grep command to see what the various options …
more clients for mpd.
Here are some more clients that you can use with mpd. sudo yum install mpd mpc qmpdclient.x86_64 gmpc.x86_64 sonata.x86_64 mpd is :: […] Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, …
pkgwat -search packages for Fedora.
pkgwat is a nice utility to search the fedora packages websearch. Description : Pronounced "package WAT", pkgwat is a fast CLI tool for querying : the fedora packages webapp. : …
viewvc – serve current directory in web interface.
Here is the description of viewvc: […] ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, revision, …
vim mappings for multiple files.
If you open multiple files in vim with command line option. Then the only way to move between the files is “:n” and “:N”. There is a easier way to do this. Just add mappings for this in vimrc. Here is …

C program to get the ascii string from a string
Lot of times, you would like to get the complete string in hex or ascii format and if you are one of them then this is something that will be helpful for you 🙂 Example output: […] …
Music players on Linux – the poor mans random song player.
If you have more applications running on your system then your system can handle them then you know what I mean when I say that the Music Players take a lot of CPU. Otherwise harmless, but when you …
Convert string to hex.
If you want to use snoop or tcpdump with advanced search in the packet, then you would need to convert the string to hex string. For this, either you can use a web search and find some web application …
glances – Get a glimpse of the whole system
You would have used top at some point of time. Did you not wish that instead of just the processes it list all the vital statistics of the system as a whole. How good it would be to see the Memory, …
Get yourself som new themes for vim
Well, you would already have some themes for your vim, by default. And if you did not like them then you would have added some of your own too (downloaded from But, those are something, that …
Rekursive Grep on Solaris or AIX Systems without GNU egrep -r funcionality
If you work regularly on a Solaris or systems which do not have the “-r” (recursive grep) for grep, then you know what a lifesaver this command can be. Here is one from command line fu: find . -type f …
Linux hardware details.
Here is one of the scripts that I found on the net while searching for something … Note the URL for the script in the Description.