
get all the urls in html file (local or on server).


To use this, you will need the lynx tool, so install that first. sudo yum install lynx Now, to get list of all the URLs in local html file or some URL, just execute this: lynx -dump -listonly Related …

Fix typescript files generated with script command


Generally quite a lot of us would have used the script command. This generates the logs for the session. But the problem with the logs is that it contains a lot of un-readable characters. These …

pdfjs – html5+javascript based pdf viewer for Firefox.


Firefox 15 has arrived and there is lot to brag about. Since there are already many blogs on this, so just giving you a link to one of those. But what is most interesting is the integration of PDF.js. …

Benchmarking the system/CPU performance


Have you ever wanted to have a quick check on your CPU performance. I know that lot of people will say that this is not the right way to do this, but here is something that you can use to check the …

g flag in :s useless in vim


Some time back there was a post on vim_use list about the “/g” flag for the search and replace functionality of the vim. And the response of “Tim Chase” on the same was very elaborate and interesting. …

better bash debugging


I was trying to debug some bash scripts yesterday and learnt something new 😉 There are lot of things in bash that you can use to debug and to start with you can enable xtrace mode as follows: set -x …

/bash debugger


In this section we’ll develop a very basic debugger for bash.[10] Most debuggers have numerous sophisticated features that help a programmer in dissecting a program, but just about all of them include …

analyze debug queries output for wordpress


Some time back, my website became too slow and I started getting timeout response for quite a lot of my pages. When I analyzed things, I found the issue was with the DB queries taking a lot of time. …

fork a new process in perl


I was doing something today and found that I require to fork a new process in perl. Now I had never done this earlier, so I did not know how to do this. First some background : I was doing some …

Browser Conkeror – fast, versatile, easy and configurable


Conkeror is a browser that uses XULRunner and is a highly configurable and programmable browser. Here is the description of the browser from the homepage: […] Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, …

How To Quickly Check If You’re Running A Javascript Enabled Browser


<a href="">Javascript is an integral part of <a class="zem_slink" title="Web browser" …

New Improvements in the site and added few more features.


Last couple of days I have spent quite some time on the <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f8000000000041684" title="Website" rel="wikipedia" …

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