Gnome 3 shell themes
If you are using gnome-shell and are bored with the same default theme then read on…. 🙂
By default changing the default theme requires that you modify the files yourself or copy few files to the required directories. Well, if this is not in your scheme of things for changing the theme, a very simple task. Now, you can simply do this with gnome shell extensions.
First you need to install the following:
- gnome-shell-extension-theme-selector
- gnome-tweak-tool
And while you are at it, feel free to search for gnome-shell-theme with the command :
<div class="text codecolorer">
yum list gnome-shell-theme
to see the list of themes and install the ones that you are interested in with the command
<div class="text codecolorer">
sudo yum install gnome-tweak-tool gnome-shell-extension-theme-selector <other theme packages>
Once this is done, open gnome-twea-toolr in a terminal and enable User shell themes.
Once this is done, click on activities and you should see Themes along with Windows and Applications, something like the screenshot below:

Now you can quickly select any theme that you like from the selector, can it get any easier and simpler than this 🙂
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.