
Nifty Things to Do with GIMP


Nifty Things to Do with GIMP Some of us are probably addicted to capturing moments in pictures. I can understand why. It’s one of those things that help us go back to the good old days, so to speak. …

Photo Resizing


for i in * do mogrify $i -resize 640×480 i done

Adding dates to your photos.


#!/usr/bin/perl if ($#ARGV < 0 ) { print &#8221;$#ARGV \n&#8221;; print &#8221;Usage $ARGV[0] filename/dir\n&#8221;; exit -1; } @files = `find &#8221;$ARGV[0]&#8221; -iname …

Add border to images from command line using montage.


Adding a border to the images from command line is quite simple. But if you have couple of images in a directory that you want to add border to then it may become quite painful 🙂 So what is the …

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